Friday 29 November 2013

Last Preparation Before Winter Holiday

I am not those type of people rushing to pack their things
I have no idea what to pack for winter
Seriously I am not ready for this trip

I have recovered a lot from my cough
Today is my last dose of medicine
I don't intend to take any medication from tonight onwards

Checking through the list of itineary
Came across few names of the hotel
I can barely able to read the location from GOOGLE MAP
Ahem, for the first time I scratches my head lolx

Prepared 1 down parka for -2 degree celcius weather
1 beanie which was bought by my mummy
2 sweaters and I swear I am going to wear that for 8 days
1 woolen scarf to strangle myself when I feel cold
Few long sleevees shirts I guess good enough
3 long johns/ thermal wear/ pants I hope they are okay
1 warm lined cargo pants to protect my feet
1 pair of woolen gloves
2-3 pairs of HEATTECH socks
1 pair of new sport shoes
Sufficient undergarments and toiletries
AND lotions / lip balm :D

Most of the clothing I bought from UNIQLO
As they offer a variety of choices
While my down parka I got it from Universal Traveller
It's up to the latest fashion haha

I guess that's the list of things to bring
Fret not I carry only 7kg to board the flight

I wondered if I should bring my baobei RT
Anyway if their wifi is good I don't mind to surf

Till I write again
Bon Voyage~

Thursday 3 October 2013

Kuching Here I Come Again

Kuching is a less busy city
Everyone moved at slow pace
On arrival, we were brought to a decent restaurant
Fried Ee Mee with Lobster
 Crunchy Fried Pork
 Broccoli and Abalone
 Durian Crepe
After all the delicious food, we walked passed the Waterfront of Kuching
Dine at Hotel Magherita for its Heritage Cuisine of the Month
Seats were reserved at that noon itself
Surprisingly not many occupied the restaurant
 Meat ('.')
 Fried Fish
 Fruits amazingly poking onto the honey dew
 Sarawak is famous for their layered cake
 Before movie, we walked across to the restaurant
Namely Life Cafe but not many people in this shop 
 Half way movie marathon felt hungry :D
 He ordered fried gyoza but unfortunately it was tasteless
 I ordered Kaya and Butter toast but the bread was too thick and hard
So i decided not to finish it
Overall Life Cafe is bad and terrible
Located opposite the new mall
 Kuching's Laksa
 Kuching's Kolo Mee nice
 Matter Horn Dessert
 White Lady Drinks
The Summer Mall opened on the night we are almost leaving
Went for a cup of Starbuck instead after searching for half an hour
The signage on the main road wasn't very clear
And to reach the Mall, we passedby 5 roundabouts
 It was satisfying for the both of us
And we headed home right after that
 That night was tired and we rested early for the next coming day
 Fu Chow Mee Suah
 One of his favourite drink - Teh Si Special (with Black Sugar aka Gula Melaka)
Lastly, their Chee Cheong Fun is a lot different from west Malaysia
Not bad actually, worth a try

His First Time to Penang

On the flight itself I wasn't so excited
Don't know why I just felt tired going home
He experienced some headache upon landing
We visited the Butterfly Farm
Batu Ferringhi night market and Teluk Bahang area
In the Farm itself we saw several cute animals
Besides butterfly, there was this leaf frog
Amazing eyes and it sat quietly looking at us
And that salamander looking ferocious
In his green bolging eyes :D
Oh no, spotted on the rocks
What a lovely couple
And the mating beetles
I thought the female body size is much bigger than the male?
They seemed to look the same to me anyway
Next, we popped by at Straits Quay Mall
Located next to the sea and set in at Delicious
Ordering food like a boss :D
This is beef lasagne, ordinary filled with cheesy aroma
And dessert Salted Caramel Cheese Cake
Nice but too filling for the both of us
And guess what
We enjoyed sea breeze in the cloudy evening
Just right behind Hard Rock Cafe
At night another sea view at Padang Kota Lama
A place where older people pak tor (dating) last time
He said his skills of self-shot is good :D
Overall we feel good in Penang 4 days 3 nights stay
Shopping was done within the town areas
And were satisfied with the goods we brought home

Monday 19 August 2013

Heritage Place Malacca

Malacca welcomed us with a 4 star hotel
The Hatten Studio Suite is spacious and comfortable
At night my friends brought me to eat their famous dish
Satay celup which is mainly satay sauce with  lots of peanuts
I don't really like peanut though but this is simply awesome

With the price during raya at bout 70 cents each stick
We, the big eater ate up to RM 80 for that night
After dinner we headed towards Jonker Street
Jonker Street is famous for its local food
And ate some durian cendol there
I am amazed by the 3d card they sell 
It's just cute and gorgeous that I would like to have one
However, I didn't have the chance to grab one haha
Maybe next time I can make myself
As we walked past Casa Del Rio hotel which looked grand
We curiously sneaked in to capture some pictures
This hotel looked like 5 star apartment stay
The view was undescribable at night
The pool of water is clean and zero chlorine smell
At the end of the pool there goes the Malacca river
If I had a tripod I will definately catch a better glimpse of the surroundings
We called it for a day watching late night movies
The Conjuring at 0015 in the small cinema 
Realised that it doesn't have dolby surround
Felt a bit cheated though but overall we still enjoy the show
The next day was the heritage places visit
It was all centered at within walking distance from Hatten Hotel
So we just went on foot and hopped from places
In the morning we had chance to eat some dim sum too 
And lunch we had our mille crepes of variable flavors
It was okay as I prefer pure cheese cakes especially durian ones
For dinner we headed to a shoplot restaurant
And they served chicken rice ball
I ordered 3 biji (balls) cause I thought it will be as big as my fist
(P/s: Although my fists are already so small)
However, to my dismay it was just the size of fishballs
Yeah the size of fishball sold in market haha
So the waitress had a great laugh and said "Miss, i think you need 10 balls"
LOL I had a great joke of the day
After that meal I still went for another sub-dinner meal at Wong Kok
Just some dessert and snacks though
Again at night we went to watch RED2 (Retired Extreme Dangerous o.O)
I dosed off quite often maybe because I was tired
But that movie brings much mirth to the audiences
Starring Bruce Willis as the retired cops
Before the movie, I had the chance of my life 
To visit Haagen Dazs for the very first time
Satisfied with the day and headed back home (Sg) 
For the 3 days 2 nights trip
I would like to thanks especially Hui Kien for bringing us around Malacca
Thanks Susan for coming all the way from Negeri Sembilan
Aligato gozaimasu...

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Bangkok and Pattaya Trip Day 4-6

Day 4 - World Gems Collection, Safari World and Marine Park

The day started superb early
And we gathered for breakfast before departing
Stopped at World Gems Collection for shopping
The gems are too expensive but beautiful
Especially the black ones and light blue
We took a mini cable car into the cave
Like the one we have at Petroscience
Which was quite boring indeed
We visited the  Safari World and Marine Park
My advice is never ever eat at their food court
I was terrible and people are like beggers
Rushing for food and the place is chaos
Luckily I found myself a hot bowl of noodle soup
At the side of the food court which was decent
Tour guide rushed us for this 007 show
And guess what happened?
James Bond spoke in Thai
And there were no subtitle on TV
We had to guess the whole movie
And it was rather lousy and wasted my time
Fortunately for the safari park section
We were all comfortably sitting in the bus
And touring around the zoo
Came to a halt when these camels tend to block the road

Day 5 - Dream World, Baiyoke Sky Tower + Birthday Surprises + Shopping

This was my happiest day of the whole trip
Dream World was the only programme I looked forward to
And finally we were there exploring the theme park
The food there wasn't any nicer than previous one
The Space Mountain roller coaster was totally in dark
Which I don't feel anything except wind blowing my face
And the outdoor coaster was not fast enough
It wasn't that scary as I think of lolzz
It is a good place to spend time with family
And many scenic background for photoshoot
That was the first time i entered a haunted house
But with my phone flash lights I fear nothing
And lead the kids hahax
Super Splash was very nice
It is almost similar to the Sungai Rejang at Genting
This is higher and bigger boat
The splash is superb powerful
And we bought our Superman and Superwoman T shirt
For a change after completed the wet parks
We had our dinner at the country's tallest building
The night view was just awesome
And my beloved's family throw in a surprise party
Celebrated with another boy happily
It was a bit disappointing as not many eat cakes
Some elderly are so health-conscious lolx
Then I ate them and finished my plate
The food at Baiyoke Sky Tower was reasonbly good
Ranging from Western to Chinese to Indians
Sadly they were lack of Thai Essence
And there was no Tomyam soup or even Green curry
Next was our photoshoot time
On top of the tower itself circling the city
Next we were on our own to some shopping malls
We went around Siam Paragon, MBK and Siam Centre
Hopping as fast as we can before shop closes
And by 9pm almost the whole shopping centre was empty
Looked high class on the outside but it was like Sungei Wang
Crowded with foreigner searching for cheap stuffs
My hands were shaky at that moment haha
This cinema looked like a casino based on the design
A place where wealthy people can be found
We went for body massage and the next day itself
We visited the same shop for foot massage
Body massage costs us 800 baht each for 2 hours
And foot massage costs us 300 baht each for an hour
Overall I would say they are good at pressing haha

Day 6 - Going Home (Suvarnabhumi Airport)

It took us about 35 minutes to reach the airport
Upon arrival our hunger stroke and frantically we looked out for tomyam
After some shopping for healthcare products
We decided to sit back relax and enjoy our meal
We saw a Thai Shop selling Thai cuisines on the second floor
And the price was reasonable for us
We ordered Green Curry Chicken
Green curry originated from Thailand
It tastes good and delicious and it was my first time trying out
And I ordered a bowl of seafood tomyam
The King Prawn was huge and mouth watering
Both dishes are Thailand's specialty a-must-eat when you come here
Overall the trip was comfortable and nice
Minus the visits to some product promoting shops
Which I think is not necessary
And having to follow tours has its pros and cons too
Tour guides often bring you to places of attraction
And some of the places was a waste of time
I believe every country you visit they will bring you
To honey product shop, gems shop, leather shop
And many more like Safari and Marine world

To have tour guide one of the best thing
Is you don't have to find your own transport
But time is limited if you are stuck to the tour guides
Perhaps the next trip to Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan
I will wander on my own instead
I don't intend to visit honey shop, gems shop or even
Leather shop and also herbal shop
It was just nonsense and irritating
That's all for now
Have a great day :)