Wednesday 23 May 2012

Genting '12

The sky was still dark when I left my room
Heading to the train station to meet my sis and her friends
She smsed me she was on the train heading my station
So 15minutes later train arrived and I got in searching for her
Unfortunately it was a different train from hers
Reached KL Sentral and had breakfast at McD

Bought tickets for theme park and bus services
Departed at 9.30am happily and eagerly waiting what's coming up next
Reached within 1hour.. such a short journey
Last time it took me bout 5 hours when I departed from Penang
Well the view along the way was nice and calm outside
The driver was professional as he swayed every corner
I saw the tyre was closed to the drain and uttered "Wow!"

We directly headed to the outdoor theme park upon arrival
In the cool breeze after a morning downpour
We made our way to the park's famed Flying Coaster ride
This is a special ride and it is the first in Asia
Having to lie down on the platform and stand on a mini ladder
With their back strapped to a cage-like frame
Unlike the usual roller-coaster ride in which passengers are seated
I felt how Superman felt while he was flying in the air ^^

Next was the Sungai Rejang Flume Ride which made us all soaked
Each log boat takes a short, rapid descent before splashing into a pool of water
It doesn't look scary at all from far as I thought
However, I really shocked and my heart missed a beat or two
When the log boat slide down like land slide at the cliff
Anyway, all of us soaked from waist down
The level of excitement seek by teenagers and youths can be found here

There were several other thrilling rides in the park
Pirate ship, spinner, corkscrew, Grand Prix Fun Kart,
Space shot, bumper boat, flying dragon coaster rides
The only game I did not try is the Space shot
I couldn't handle the pressure down my throat
As I might choked to death
I couldn't alleviate my fear since the last 3 years
I still couldn't step my foot into it
Well that's not crucial as long as I'm happy

Not long after mists started to pay its fierce visit
Closing the whole theme park area one can barely see 10meters ahead
As usual it will rain at noon around 1pm to about 5pm
It happened almost everyday in Genting and all outdoor activities had to stop

Moments not wasted and we went for mouth-watering lunch
I ordered Frog Leg Porridge since the weather was cold
And it's best served with something hot and boiling
Can't believe they loaded too much pepper and I dislike the ginger -.-
Costs me bout rm 15 and I felt reasonable eating on top of the hill

After meals we went around as I brought the troop here and there
Everyone else dunno the directions but I still remembered a little
From the past memory daunting back 3 years ago after I finished my STPM
Amazingly the guard at casino allowed my sis and I to go in and had a look
Well we just go for a drink and peeped around those hungry gamblers

We headed back at 8.30pm to catch the bus back KL Sentral
We ate our dinner upon reaching downhill as it was much cheaper
All and all it was a good trip and my sis first visit to Genting was memorable
Although it was my second time to Genting, I missed the cold weather there
Will plan to go there again whenever possible ^^

Monday 21 May 2012

Finally Done!

After 2 semesters of hard work
Endless meetings and lab works
Unlimited time spent at jungle stinky lab
With mice borned generation after generation
Amounting up to 80 of them 
And yet their life were terminated 

Thanks to all my friends and lecturer
For guidance, advice and support
We gone through the dark and the light
We had laughter and of course gossips
Although there were 5 of us assigned on almost the same task
The malay guy shunned away cause he was too shy to mix
End up we 4 girls 1 gang nonstop chit chatting
All the way in lab, in car and in the office

Well, I was happy and will never get to experience it anymore
Not planning to take masters as I hate lab work
Long hours trapped in the lab sounds like a prisoner
Kept waiting and waiting for final results
And today is thesis draft submission day
I finally get it done and soon will be facing hell

The process of printing made me suffered
You cannot trust PDF files as they will deviate
The alignments, font size everything will change
After printed I checked but was lazy so printed 2 copies
Thinking that I no longer have to print again
Postgrad message us ask us to confirm our graphs with her
In less than 24 hours she wants a change
You think Bersih 3.0 meh?
I am sorry I couldn't make it for her
I will hand up whatever I have on my hands at 2pm
Plus threathen to attend graduation dinner by faculty
The damage was incredibly RM 15... Owh..

The printing itself cost me RM 40+ 
So total damage in this week more than RM 50 already
But anyhow I am happy that my work is done

Friday 4 May 2012

Port Dickson Trip and Seremban Interchange

Sharp at 9am all 3 cars went to pick up passengers from different colleges
And a total of 13 people from Biochemistry Department off for holidays
The trip to Seremban took us bout 40minutes as we chit chat in the car
It was a smooth journey from sunny to cloudy days
Had our breakfast I ate Wan Than Mee which is much similar 
To Penang's delicacies and I felt satisfied

Upon reaching Aeon Jusco Seremban the sky turned grey
As we shopped around and took a look at what's available 
An hour later headed to Tesco Extra Seremban to purchase goods
Heavy rain welcomed us after we done shopping 
Ivan's mummy welcomed us with warm greetings
As we all gather in his house to prepare bbq stuffs
We sat down and watch movies and busy chatting
Some fell asleep on his comfortable sofa and some plays poker
I was lying lazy on his couch and eyes on them all

We left about 3pm heading to the beach
It was another half hour plus journey from Seremban
We stopped by to purchase Seremban Siew Pau
Which is the most famous in the country and
I can tell you it tastes great and crunchy
But one reminder you have to eat it ASAP
So that the texture is preserved as the way it meant to be
We were in excitement in the car and keep chatting

As we got out of our car, we frantically took everything with us
And headed to the beach to feel the sand and the sea water
The trees around welcomed us with the friendly sea breeze looking awesome
We have noon mini picnic and the sun is not glaring that day
Made it a perfect one for us since it rained in the morning
We played some sand games and some poor guys get buried
The sea was low tide that time and we walked for quite a distance
We lighted up the charcoal after setting it up 3hours ago
In just 10minutes a bunch of policemen and policewomen approaches
A total of 6 clad in uniforms and wanted to summon us for illegal act
Lighted fire on their beach directly on the sand itself without zinc
Just because 1 summon and so many had to come at the same time
While another group of Malays were camping nearby and weren't caught
It seemed a little unfair cause they too violated the rules but no action taken against them
A compound of RM250 was given by them
We managed to get some discounts as we were not locals
Fortunately so many of us it's a small amount
We continued bbq-ing and enjoy grilled chicken wings
Frankly i love those corns, they were sweet and pop in your mouth as you chew them
We sat there till late evening and you'll see golden sands on the beach
As the sun is setting you can sense romance in the air as coupled cuddled
As sit by the shores enjoying the last moment of the day
But Malay couples too? isn't that forbidden? aiks..
The sun went down and the moon rise up thereafter
We played some games which i hated most : True Or Dare
In the middle of those eerie beach and seashore they played
I was lucky as it didn't hit me cause they sure ask something sarcastic
One of the lucky question to F i guess made S a little curious and jealous
When You Lost Your First Kiss? That was a trap -.-
Headed back to uni at 10pm as predicted
All of us smell fishy as we were at the beach for many hours
Everyone was happy and thanks to the organisers who planned so well