Monday 21 May 2012

Finally Done!

After 2 semesters of hard work
Endless meetings and lab works
Unlimited time spent at jungle stinky lab
With mice borned generation after generation
Amounting up to 80 of them 
And yet their life were terminated 

Thanks to all my friends and lecturer
For guidance, advice and support
We gone through the dark and the light
We had laughter and of course gossips
Although there were 5 of us assigned on almost the same task
The malay guy shunned away cause he was too shy to mix
End up we 4 girls 1 gang nonstop chit chatting
All the way in lab, in car and in the office

Well, I was happy and will never get to experience it anymore
Not planning to take masters as I hate lab work
Long hours trapped in the lab sounds like a prisoner
Kept waiting and waiting for final results
And today is thesis draft submission day
I finally get it done and soon will be facing hell

The process of printing made me suffered
You cannot trust PDF files as they will deviate
The alignments, font size everything will change
After printed I checked but was lazy so printed 2 copies
Thinking that I no longer have to print again
Postgrad message us ask us to confirm our graphs with her
In less than 24 hours she wants a change
You think Bersih 3.0 meh?
I am sorry I couldn't make it for her
I will hand up whatever I have on my hands at 2pm
Plus threathen to attend graduation dinner by faculty
The damage was incredibly RM 15... Owh..

The printing itself cost me RM 40+ 
So total damage in this week more than RM 50 already
But anyhow I am happy that my work is done

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