Monday 4 June 2012

Viva was over

Yesterday was a day where I can relaxed
I took a long nap without setting up alarm
And yet woke up with a surprise treat
To The Mines Shopping Mall for a walk
Well I went for dinner and initially they planned
For a movie but eventually we just stroll around

Bought some titbits enough for study week
Although tutorials for this Friday I haven't started
Seems like time is limiting my outings
So will be focusing on my studies this week

Viva was the scariest presentation in university
As lecturers bombard you with questions you couldn't imagine
I presented my data and research for approximately 5minutes
And the Q&A session took more than 10minutes
The questions threw to me was kinda unexpected
And I just bla bla bla all the way till the end
Saw the marking papers and knew that it wasn't really bad
After all, I still need to do corrections and resubmit
The hard cover version as much as three copies and a CD
Next Monday is the dying day...

Looking over the foldings on each pages
Is making me weak and busy for the whole night
Each folds indicates mistakes made on tat page itself
I done half and it's time to say goodnight all..
The rest I will leave it for tomorrow...

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