Sunday 23 September 2012

Gone Those Days- Life In School~

Officially I ended my schooling days of 20years beginning at age of 3
Proudly I walked out with the title Bacholar Degree with Honours
And I dun wanna study anymore knowing that I am not so into it
Decided to roam around the working world for the first time

My first ever decision and it's tough to know the coming challengues
Is unpredictable and worrying is not the only solution
To walk out of my comfort zone and to leave my home
Frankly I never think of having such motivation before

Deep down inside fear hunts and I jolted a little
Struggling to make ends meet and to secure a job
However until today no jobs for me yet and I kept searching
Hope good news to resurface soon as I'm starting to feel suffocated
Deadline's coming and it's too near for me to even start taking actions
Knowing that it's not easy but with some support and help from him
I hope everything turns out right and fine~
Need some blessing though and some comfort~ haih..

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