Tuesday 2 December 2014

Preparation to Taiwan In December

3 days left to fly
Taiwan this time, I choose you!
Plans were changed many many times 
Initially thought that we will be heading South
To Kaohsiung to Kenting
Then thought that I will go Yilan

In the end
I picked Taipei and Hualien
I intended to go North and East first
The next trip I will head West and South

I had a heavy heart whether to cancel the trip or not
I am kinda lazy to travel alone for 5days
Listen! It's 5 freaking long lonely days

As fated
I continued my planning to Hualien instead

As of what to bring there
Here's a list to refer to:

Prepared 1 jacket for 10 degree celcius weather
1 beanie (but I don't like to wear)
1 woolen scarf (hide my ugly face)
Few long sleeves shirts 
4 long johns/ thermal wear/ pants 
1 warm lined cargo pants to protect my feet
1 pair of woolen gloves
2-3 pairs of HEATTECH socks
1 pair of sport shoes (ignore the god damn winter boots-useless anyway)
Sufficient undergarments and toiletries
Thermal bottle + bottle of room temperature water (for mixing)
AND lotions/ face moisturizer / lip balm :D

Don't forget to bring Poncho and umbrella
It's super wet in December...
This trip I will be bringing my Sony A6000
Compared to last year's trip to Korea 
I used Sony Nex 7 (:
Let's see how good is the new model...

I guess that's all to prepare
Anyway the rate for TWD is getting worse from month to month
It ever went up to 23.68 then now it's 22.80
Too bad I didn't change my money early
Learnt my lesson but it's deemed too late

Update you after I come back (:
Stay tuned!

Away on 6 - 14 December 2014

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