Thursday 27 December 2012

LegoLand Johor Bahru and Panda Kai Kai and Jia Jia Visit, Singapore Zoo

Due to rainy seasons during end of the year
Many outings were delayed and stranded
However, it has granted a good experience too
The sky turned gray at noon contrary to its nature
Rain started tapping on the roof playing some sort of musical show
First few drops and then there came a downpour
The first drop weren't drops but a deluge of cascading water
As if the sky was an open faucet as the rain falls in oversized droplets
When one hits a solid surface, it splashes, bouncing off and breaking apart
Into smaller beads which then succumb to gravity heading towards the soil
Right underneath you...
The rain lasted only a few minutes but the sound
The sound of rain hitting the roof was pure heaven
The sun was seen hidden behind ashen clouds looming on thee horizon
Above the inner-city buildings, creeping into what would be suburbia
As it stopped, I walked out and there was moisture in the air
The smell was instantly reminiscent of any morning
Back in the states after a night time deluge
The ground was wet, the air was cool and crisp like fall
For a moment I simply stood there
Breathed in the smell of something other than dirty, dusty air
As crowds busy moving in and out of the shop entrance
I moved towards the gate awaiting departure back to Singapore
The whole experience ranging from lining up for tickets
Till the line of hundred people at the entrance
It took us about 1.5 hours long but worth waiting
The food there was costly as they seemed to overcharge us
However once in a blue moon that I don't really bother
We only managed to visit 3 parks out of 7 parks
The Beginning, Legocity and Miniland parks
We will pay another visit maybe March 2013
For a complete tour around Legoland
Hoping no more soaked pig feet for him :D
The next day Panda Visit was awesome
5 years old male panda Kai Kai (victorious)
4 years old female panda Jia Jia (beauty)
Made their public debut in Singapore for the first time
Singapore devoted millions of dollars to a climate-controlled enclosure
Designed to promote breeding in the island's humid tropical climate
Personally I felt cold inside cause I don't have much hair like panda?
They are selling Panda Pau at the price of $2.90 per piece
And the price of bundle of 4 at $11.50 with inner tau sah ingredient
We hopped onto the moving tram several times and were taken on tour
And had our buffet lunch at a luxurious dining restaurant
It were under dim light much like a candle light dinner
He and I ate quite generously as we were starved due to the rainy season
As the rain stopped we headed to board taxi and continued shopping
Now the rains seemed to pass and the winds are calmed lately
I waited patiently for their return but until then I'll probably be doing something
Even if it snows I will be thanking God for granting such an impossible weather

Legoland ticketing price
Singapore Zoo ticketing price

Monday 10 December 2012

Family Day

It's an unplanned holiday to Johor Bahru
If we know earlier we would have gotten ourselves free on this friday
However that doesn't really matters 
As I'm able to fetch them from the terminal
It shall be alright and everything will go on as usual

LegoLand is the place we are waiting anxiously to pay a visit
I haven't gone through the park details yet 
Going in a family shall be more fun than going with friends
I'd never experienced something last this since 15 years ago
That should be a great trip aboard ^_^
Looking forward for it and pray that everything goes on smoothly

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Sometimes just love him

Sometimes words is just not enough to describe
Nor to explain how I felt for him
It's just simply L-O-V-E
Don't ask me why... I couldn't answer...

We have a lot similarities not to mention bout differences
We are movie lovers and can marathon few movies per day
We are tea lovers but now he has to limit it whilst I am still enjoy
Now that we both awaiting Xmas to come
Hope along with it, bring some luck to me...

The words he spoken to me the other day
Warmed my heart; just don't know why
I just got melted away like ice-cream
Maybe that's the assurance issue
Suddenly sun shines through rainbow
The day that he jerked out his head
And his head filled with shampoo
I hold my breath and I can't help myself
I controlled my laughter cause he was too cute
Then he asked "What's going on here?"
Hence I replied abruptly "Nothing... nothing..."
Then he continued his business =D

Monday 29 October 2012

My Convocation and His Vacation

After 3 years stucked in University
I had finally graduated with a degree
My family happily went down to Kuala Lumpur 
To attend the ceremony and to witness that moment
Unfortunately my daddy developed German measles
And high fever on that day itself 
Therefore he couldn't make it to the hall
He rested in the room and waited for me
Back then we had some photoshoots
Together with my loved ones like the usual 
Simple family photo with 2 sweet couples old and young
My graduation day is a little messy with heavy rain
Photoshoot session had to be delayed half an hour later
With my dear tasting Kebab from one of the stalls 
He said it was nice and delicious
I didn't know he love Kebab just like I do
Things moved on fast and we sent our parents to bus station
They scheduled to depart back Penang at half to midnight
Meanwhile we headed for supper at Sungai Chua hawker stall
And then sudden blow my friends drove us to Mid Valley
We watched one of the horror movie "Sinister"
It was a movie of old ritual sacrificing humans using kids
Some of the parts and its music really freaked me out
Nonetheless the plot are expected and sometimes scary
It was a great movie though clinging on his arm
Reached our room again at 4am and it was late
We decided to rest for a longer journey the next day
Woke up pretty early at 7 and settled my stuffs
He woke up peeped me and he snored back into dreamland
Things got settled at fast pace and we left to do some shopping 
We took Komuter train and Monorail train to reach Imbi area
From there to Cube hotel is very near and costs us RM7
Checked in and had a bath so as to refresh a little
We headed to Lowyat and looked for electronic items
Tasted the western set at Manhattan Fish Market
Together with mushroom soup and a cocktail drink
Then we visited Pavillion and booked night movies
House at The End Of The Street and Stolen
The first movie supposingly to be horror but it turned out romantic
The latter one was good in THX cinema - action movie
Luckily our show ended exactly at midnight 
We hurriedly back to our hotel as it was dangerous outside
With bars and karaoke still mushrooming at this hour
Many drunkards and what we say bad people around this area
Well we do spent the night well resting for the next day to come
The next day, breakfast?
We were anxiously searching for sushi 
However we ended up at Starbucks enjoying coffee
The new flavour - Jump into Autumn (Salted Caramel Mocha Frappucino)
It was nice but I did not taste any sense of saltyness
And the donut was soft and delightfully sweet
Well back then we went back to hotel and checked out
We left our baggage there and continue shopping
Lowyat was the place we hanged out for long
He and I got ourselves a pair of headsets and phone jelly bean cover
Then we headed to KL Sentral and took an hour plus bus to LCCT airport
Ordered MaPo TauFu and Bacon Sandwiches for light tea time
Tried Steven Chow's rice and Wan Than Mee 
Enjoyed our final meals together before we part again for a week
A little hard feelings with not much appetite on that night
Wong Kok Restaurant - Herbal Chicken Rice Soup, Cheese Baked Rice

On top of all my luggage exceed the permitted weight
So we exchanged baggage and he checked in mine to Singapore
I never know things can be done fast as lightning 
Glad he asked me to buy 15kg luggage for him that night
As he boarded in I waved goodbye and walked the opposite direction
We used Cubie and continued chatting before he leave KL
My flight was delayed that night for almost 45minutes
So I reached Penang at bout 12 midnight dashed home
Back into my own bed I slept once I closed my eyes ^_^ hehe

Sunday 23 September 2012

Gone Those Days- Life In School~

Officially I ended my schooling days of 20years beginning at age of 3
Proudly I walked out with the title Bacholar Degree with Honours
And I dun wanna study anymore knowing that I am not so into it
Decided to roam around the working world for the first time

My first ever decision and it's tough to know the coming challengues
Is unpredictable and worrying is not the only solution
To walk out of my comfort zone and to leave my home
Frankly I never think of having such motivation before

Deep down inside fear hunts and I jolted a little
Struggling to make ends meet and to secure a job
However until today no jobs for me yet and I kept searching
Hope good news to resurface soon as I'm starting to feel suffocated
Deadline's coming and it's too near for me to even start taking actions
Knowing that it's not easy but with some support and help from him
I hope everything turns out right and fine~
Need some blessing though and some comfort~ haih..

Saturday 8 September 2012

Strange Dream

One of those nights when I closed my eyes
Without having the time for any thoughts of the day
I dosed off and not long after I dreamt about this

My family had never travelled far from Penang
And this time we were in a 4 wheel vehicle
Taking us all to a highland where it was a breath-taking sight
This is the place where you can only see greenery flora
And a wide bluish skies above you accompanied by few eagles

Soon we reached place where we intended to visit
A place much like a hotel or you can say mansion alike
With candle-light dining table surrounding an ice skating-rink
While my parents settled down wanting to order food and beverages
I opted to try on those skates together with my siblings
Well, not much harder than the 4 roller skates as I expected
So, I quickily picked up the speed and sway with the wind
Soon we ate western food and rested before heading to strawberry farm
And the stairs there were some sort of the same like my gaming map
Upon waking up, I was shocked too as I recalled that map in Blackshot
The same design like the one in my dream although I don't really play it

The whole event was so real that I thought I actually skated
Until I woke up discovering that it was just merely a dream
However, that feelings and happiness still captured in my tiny brain
And I had a wonderful night spending time with my family

Friday 24 August 2012

The Day Someone Spent My Lunch-Senior Lab Technologist~

It's been so long since anyone spent me lunch
I don't mean my boyfriend or parents
I wasn't expecting my senior from workplace
To treat me and drive me out for lunch

We had more than 2 hours lunch break on typical Fridays
And she drove me out to the nearest mall - 1st avenue
And we walked around wondering what to eat
So as for Halal food we headed to Oldtown Restaurant

Ordered rendang beef rice coupled with Kalamansi drinks
The amount of beef was little until I can count it with my ten fingers
However the rendang taste was excellent which stained my mouth
For the next few hours and the smell was still there

The Kalamansi drinks dyed in red were served
I acknowledged that it was made out of thin slices of lemon
Mixed with carbonated drinks like 7 up or Ice cream soda
Making it bubbly and quenched my thirst on this sunny day
Overall I marked the service and price as reasonable
Was satisfied with the lunch and shopping before going back to work

Upon reaching home and developed some minor flu
I went to date with my pillows and bolsters for more than 2 hours
And woke discovering him arriving home and I went online instead
Searching for a decent job hoping soon will be employed
In the hope for tomorrow, and for future
I prayed everything will be as smooth as silk
Thanks and gratitude ~

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Our Second Honeymoon in Singapore

Arrived at airport nearly 7pm and it was already getting dark
Caught a cab and headed back home to freshen up before heading to dinner
Everything unexpectedly done in a quick manner and proceeded to Tampines Mall
Watched "Sadako" and not to mention it was just a little scary
And I tried to stay calm
Without having his hands to be in blue black condition
He got ready before any surprises
And we survived the night walking back home at midnight
Although it was late at night
We were still accompanied by so many people around us 
They were walking and some cycling having the same purpose - going home ^.^

The next morning he went to work and I woke up a little late
Cleaned his room a little and packed his stuffs that took me about half hour
Within a glimpse of your eyes I transformed myself ready to go out
I packed my bag and took his S3 phone down town hunting the new mall - Suntec
Beforehand took brunch at Tampines Mall Kopitiam - Wan Than Mee, Ice Lemon Tea

Well in the train I headed first to City Hall SMRT station
And I walked the underpath and it linked me to several other places
I went around Suntec City and explored the Fountain of Wealth
Next walked underpath again heading to the Raffles City Shopping Mall
Not so far from Suntec and I walked along checking my fb at the same time
I walked around and to my surprise I bumped into my brother, David
And had my teatime chatting with him in which I never intend to look out for his stall

Dear finished his work and called his phone looking for wife
I thought of running back Tampines but he finished work early
So we met at Raffles City Shopping Mall for dinner before going back
He looked awesome in his formal but pitied that he was already exhausted

His face always reminds me of chubby bii when he was asleep
Well since it's Friday night we decided to head for a big feast
And we walked around and arrived at The Swensen at Marina Square
Forgotten what is the exact name of the food cause I am forgetful
All that I could remember is Softcrab Spagetti and Chicken Cutlet
My dear can you recall them? hahax

The next day we ate lunch at T-junction RamenPlay
We ordered Kotteri Ramen and Cha Shu Double Soup Ramen
Both tasted great and truly asian food :)

Then we strolled around the big city hands holding tight
And mine sweating hot but he didn't mind ^.^ hehe
We then headed to Cathay cinema bought 4 tickets head to head
The Madagascar 3 and The Dictator and laughed our lungs out
We spent quite a lot on snacks and movie at CineLeisure Orchard
But it was okay and we walked around Orchard area
Saw an ice-cream bun stall and my god he bought Durian Ice-cream Bun
Biting like it was the most delicious mouth-watering food ever
So I took a few bites and indeed he was correct it tasted good

We ended our journey from there and went home happily
The road from Tampines Mall back to home might be long and windy
But with him beside me the journey seemed short and brief

The next morning we woke up quite early but I always get to stare at his face
And kissed him as he opened his eyes looking ever so blur and innocent
Had our majestic breakfast ranging from chinese to western cuisine
And we took free shutter bus from Tampines to IKEA and Courts

Went fooling around and scrolled through all the furnitures at IKEA
Then moved on to Courts to do survey on cameras and beds
About noon took bus back Tampines and headed on to East Coast
Took bus at Tampines again waited almost half an hour
While dear checking online how to get there conveniently
Puffed and we reached in less than half an hour by bus

Summer gave us warmth and the sun wasn't scotching hot
It was windy with comfortable sea breeze swiping our faces
And the beach filled with kids chasing each other and bbq activities
We were too hungry so we consumed some fatty stuffs; McD
Menu available here is so different from Malaysia's menu
Was amused with the extra large size carbonated drinks and corns
We rented a 2-people bicycle for 2 hours although I was a little scared
I knew with my height like that it would be difficult for me to ride
But challengue accepted and we successfully making it down the road
His face was sun-burned reddish as if he looked shy like a flower

The next 1.5hours we managed to get ourselves to Holand Village
We chose shortcut and in the end we waited quite long for his friends
And they did arrive when the sky turned to dark dark blue that faithful night
We walked to Rooftop 211 Restaurant and ordered western dishes
Overall satisfactory guaranteed and everyone was happy

After dinner we waved goodbye and carry on to our next destination
Mustafar Centre located quite a distance from Holland Village
We reached there just in time and walked around the 7 storeys building
It looked like supermarket from outside but the truth amazed me
It has almost all the daily needs we hunted for and all available at 1 spot
Soon we rushed to the nearest bus stop and waited for midnight bus
As he planned perfectly we managed to catch the train back to Tampines

Our last walk back home from Tampines SMRT and we moved real slow
Enjoying the last moment and the last night we spent in Singapore

The next morning we woke up again real early and got ready to Changi airport
Breakfast at Terminal 2 was as usual with heavy hearts
Most of the time we remained silent and stared at each other's eyes
We took a bus from Terminal 2 to Budget Terminal in order to board
Tiger Airways was doing bad with long queues at every counter
But at least it spared us some time to be together at the very last moment
As the time came we hugged and he left to work while I waited for my flight
Arrived safely at LCCT Kuala Lumpur and well will be there again soon :*

<3 Sandy

Sunday 1 July 2012

Detour le Kuching

On departing to Kuching alone at 7.50am
I felt very nervous on catching the plane
Reached around 10.55am at LCCT which is okay
Took bus from uni main entrance gate and from there
Reached train station UKM to Nilai train station
From there took 2 buses separately location to reach LCCT
That's why I took bout 3 hours to reach there

Checked in my luggage 8kg I decided to have mcD for lunch
Sat there for an hour looking at people hurrying here and there
Was amazed seeing some big families departing together for vacation
Which will never happen to my family as my grandma doesn't wanna take flight
My parents prefer to stay at home while my dog needs people to take care
Board the plane and my heart filled with mixture of emotions
As I wished everything will go smoothly in Kuching
Just as I hoped miracles just happened sometimes
And all along 4.5 days in Kuching things were unpredictably perfect

We went to many shopping malls and night market
We watched Abraham Lincoln and Prometheus at The Spring Mall
Prometheus that movie was the most comfortable for me
I dunno if he felt the same after all I the one putting weight on him
He hugged me from back while supporting me made me feel comfortable
Till I can sleep in his arms while watching movie
Meanwhile Madagascar was put on hold after this 2 movies..
Madagascar, Sadako and Dictator watched in Singapore the week after
Sadako 3D movie was okay but the audience here in Singapore laughed a lot
And we felt the suspense feeling in air with them which is cool
The ghost lady hand jerking out from the screen into my 3D glasses
Never put me in fear at all but I was enjoying horror movie for the first time

Madagascar was overall pleasant with lots of funny jokes and conversation
Making everyone in the cinema alive and gave much mirth to the audience
On the other hand, The Dictator was not shown in Malaysia
Therefore I'm glad to watch it overseas and it was rated 18 there
Luckily I'm matured enough to gain entry into THX theather that very lucky day

His family members are too kind and too friendly for me
I felt so grateful meeting them for the very first time
I had been brought to various places to eat various food
Kolo Mee was the best, followed by Kueh Chap and Laksa
Although I didn't really taste their laksa cause it tasted a little weird to me
But anyhow, it was uniquely Sarawak Laksa and only available there

It was purely white colour springy mee served with vinegar and chillis
Different stalls serve different types of Kolo Mee and all of them I love to eat too
This is the Kueh Chap served at night market and taste like bak kut teh ^^
This is the most famous 3 layered tea in Kuching
Made from tea first layer followed by fresh milk and gula melaka
Formed the 3 layered tea mixed well and be served chilled
Their famous Paku Chai which was served in white wine that day
Usually locals will fried it with belacan and served with cili padi
Anyway it tasted nice and crunchy with sweet aroma
This is the 六味汤 means 6 tastes soup
I couldnt identify the 6th ingredient in it
Cause in west Malaysia we only have 5 taste soup
Anyway I like to chew on the ice and jelly :)
The first ever unique grill stove made of glass over the heater
At U garden in Kuching at very reasonable price
However the place was in dim light so we couldnt see the "meat" properly
The next day unfortunately I had diarrhoea caused from the clams
Nice experience though I need to attend the toilet more often than usual
This thin unique piece of egg needed a lot Kung Fu to create it
But somehow I couldnt taste the egg I could taste the vegetables in it more
The big fresh prawn grilled with wine
Taste like lobster and full of meaty smell

My last night in Kuching I felt heavy hearted
I missed Kuching a lot and his family too
Although Kuching full of pot holes on its road
Although traffic jam was as terrible as it is in Penang
Kuching is still a wonderful city and peace at night
He brought me around the city after 12am although he was exhausted
Knowing that this is the last night we could spend together in Kuching
Showing me every places he could and all the cat statues
Thanks you my love and I appreciate it a lot
Thank you for the hospitality you had given to me
All the sacrifices you had for me truly worth while

As we waved goodbye to his mummy and sister
We boarded the plane to our next destination
I could feel that he misses his family a lot
But life must carry on and we headed to Singapore
I must admit I'm excited that day to fly in the air for the first time
With someone I loved most